Joy in Nature: Wintertime
Meg Chaney
When we seek Him, we experience radiant joy. So how do you seek Him? One powerful outlet, for me, is nature. I love that our new place is near a nature trail. There’s fewer excuses to not escape to the great outdoors.
I heard someone say that walking and writing go hand in hand. It’s not uncommon for writers to enjoy being out in nature. Nature actually fuels their creative space. Nature gives them things to write about. In nature, I can seek God. I love those quiet moments of Him and me, searching for beauty, even during the winter. I image what this landscape will look like when spring comes around. I’m sure I’m allergies wont like it, ha! But still, I’m excited to find those first flowers of spring. I used to think winter walks were depressing, but they carry their own, raw beauty. There’s colors, even then. I watch for foot prints left behind from creatures, winter berries blooming on trees, different shades of winter grasses. I listen, for the sound of birds calling to each other up above.
Now, sometimes, I don’t go on these nature walks alone. With homeschooling, i often have two kiddos in tow. But even then there’s beauty. Even then, the Lord can speak to my heart and fill me with joy. Worries and fears feel a little less intense when I physically get that energy out. Sunshine, can give me some healthy Vitamin-D and a true new perspective on life. Time with my kids on a nature trail, can be stressful, but can also be beautiful, as they encourage me to slow down and see things I might have missed before.
In a life that can be far to busy, I’m so thankful for moments in nature when I experience Him at work, even during a season of winter.
Psalm 34 says that when we seek Him, we’re filled with radiant joy. Isn’t that a marvelous image? In the KJV verse 5 says:
We are filled, we are lightened when we look to the Lord. We’ll never feel filled by social media or material items. But when we pause and seek in, through music, through His word, through nature, that’s when we’ll be “lightened". That’s when we’ll be filled up once again.
What do you enjoy stepping away and doing? What “lightens” your soul? Is it nature? Music? Times of Bible Study? I would love to hear where you go. May you experience the Lord’s radiant joy today. You are so beloved.