Like A Tree...By Streams of Water
Meg Chaney
Welcome back to our Like A Tree Summer Devotional Series. Find the Podcast version here, or read the written version below.
Let’s start by reading our scripture for the day:
Last week we considered what it means to be a tree, rooted deeply by our faith in God. Today, we’re looking at the next part of this verse. This tree is planted beside streams of water. It’s getting the nourishment it needs to survive.
What do you think of when you hear the word water? If you’re my kids, you’d probably think of hot summer days, and a nice, refreshing ump in a swimming pool. Or maybe a fun water balloon fight. Something that takes the heat off on a hot, humid Southern Summer Day.
We all know just how essential water is to our survival. Most doctors and nutritionist state that the average person can live about 4 to 6 weeks without food, but a week is a miracle without water.
It’s no surprise then, that the image of water is used so often in the Bible.
Think of the water that covered the earth in the days of Noah, the miracle of God dividing the Red Sea & the Jordan River, so that the Israelites could pass through, or what about when Moses, in the wilderness, tapped a rock, and God provided water for His people to drink.
In the New Testament, Jesus offers us all living water. Consider the story of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman in John 4. Jesus is traveling through Samaria, which in itself was amazing. As a rule, Jews avoided Samaria, even if it meant adding extra miles to their journey. Jesus isn’t avoiding it at all. And then, He asks for a drink of water from a Samaritan Woman, which makes the story even more interesting. Not only that, but He offers her Living Water in return
Physical Water is refreshing, and is actually needed for life, but what Jesus is offering here is so much more! He’s offering Living Water to all of us. Water that will nourish our very souls. We just have to receive it.
When we think about our Christian Lives as a Tree, we can start to see that Living Water flowing through and nourishing us, day in and day out. In John 7:38 Jesus says,“ The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him.” What an image! We are being nourished by Living Water each day. When we accept Him, His presence resides inside of us. The Holy Spirit lives within us, directing us, nourishing us, encouraging us, and strengthens us!
What an amazing thing!
What images of water from scripture do you love? What do they remind you about the powerful nature of God? I’d love to hear what Living Water means to you!