The Names of God: Alpha & Omega
Meg Chaney
Have you ever sat and thought about it? It can be hard for our earthly minds to even start understand it. God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1 tells us that He separated the light from the darkness, the heavens from the earth. He brought it all into being. Here on earth we have a limited lifespan. A certain amount of time that we are here, and then we’re gone. God arches over this time. He was here at the beginning of time all the way to the end of eternity (which has no end!). He lives outside of time as we can understand it. Because He created time. In His power He created everything we know and love. John 1 tells us how Jesus, the Word, was with God in the beginning as well:
In Him was life. Don’t you love that? Without Jesus, there’s no life. There’s no promise. God, as the Alpha & Omega reminds us that we serve someone so much bigger than ourselves. Our lives here can feel so draining. Some days, we cry out for change, wondering if the pain will ever end. But our great God reminds us that, while we are limited by a time span on this earth (40, 50, 80 years?), He is not limited by time at all. He has the bigger picture in mind. And so, God as the Alpha & Omega is actually a very comforting thought. We can’t fully grasp just how big a God He is, but we know He isn’t limited by this world. We see only a part, He sees the world. Our promise? Revelation tells us that we will get to drink of a living water. He will be our heritage, and we will spend eternity with Him, as our Sons and Daughters. The Alpha & Omega already knows how the story will end. And He knows that there really isn’t an end to the story at all. Yes, sin has already been vanquished. Yes, for the moment, we still feel the effects of that sin in this damaged world. But Yes, we get to look forward to a glorious eternity up ahead. The Alpha & Omega can already see the future that we cannot yet see. He sees us, in eternity with Him. And that gives me hope today.